We are an investor and operator of bioenergy assets. Our management includes an experienced renewable energy and carbon investment professional who started his career in climate change research in New Zealand, and an infrastructure and energy finance professional who headed Standard Chartered Bank’s infrastructure and energy financing business in Singapore.
Des Godson
Experienced renewable energy and carbon investment professional. Founded Oscar Energy and lead management buy-out in 2013. Previously led Trading Emissions plc team that registered 50 carbon credit projects. Worked at KPMG Climate Change advisory. https://sg.linkedin.com/in/desgodson
Conor McCoole
Infrastructure and energy finance professional. Joined Oscar Energy in 2017. Leading development of Indonesia biogas cluster project. Previously Global Co-Head, Project and Export Finance at Standard Chartered Bank. http://www.linkedin.com/in/conor-mccoole
Our private shareholders have deep experience and commitment to the energy transition and climate action. They include the principal shareholder of a sustainable wood pellet manufacturer, an impact investment fund whose principal developed a food waste biogas and grid connected biomethane project in UK, and a biogas specialist with operational experience in converting agricultural and food waste to bioLNG in Scandinavia.