Bioenergy operations in Southeast Asia

Our principal operating business, Bangkok-headquartered Asia Biogas, is engaged in the anaerobic digestion of agricultural residues, the production of biogas, electricity and Compressed Biomethane Gas, and the certification and sale of carbon credits.
Asia Biogas group traces its origins to around 2000 when it started designing and building anaerobic biogas systems on a ‘build own operate transfer’ basis in Thailand and Philippines. It became a leading developer of carbon emission reduction projects registered under the UNFCCC Clean Development Mechanism. Asia Biogas was acquired by Oscar Energy in 2013 and a few years later Asia Biogas acquired Thai Biogas. Thai Biogas subsequently restructured senior and subordinated debt provided by three development financial institutions while maintaining strong relationships with each of them.
In addition, Asia Biogas provides biogas design, engineering and construction services in Thailand and consulting and project development services in the region. Clients include Asian Development Bank and leading cassava starch companies and palm oil groups in Thailand and Indonesia. Asia Biogas’s project development focus has widened to Indonesia and Malaysia, helping the palm oil sector to transition to methane-capture and the optimum use of biogas energy. In Thailand we focus on the potential to supply clean and renewable Compressed Biomethane Gas for industry and transport.
We provide management services and are a minority shareholder in a 22.5 MW rice-husk biomass power project in Phichit province, Thailand. The suspension firing system is the only one of its kind in Thailand and results in a high quality ash. Our focus has been to improve biomass procurement, reduce operating costs and maximise shareholder value. Good progress is being made since we took over operation in 2020. We have achieved three successive years of improved financial performance owing in part to strengthened rice husk procurement. As an asset manager we are focused on creating new sources of value from rice husk ash, a rich and highly concentrated source of amorphous silica which has many uses in tyre manufacturing, as a building material and in water treatment.